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Easy Decorating Tips That Will Elevate Your Cake Decorating Skills and Impress Your Friends

Updated: Aug 8

As the seasons change and the air fills with anticipation, the time has come to indulge in the sweet waves of festivities that provide a sense of culture. From cherished family gatherings to community-wide celebrations, each festival brings its own unique flavors and traditions. And what better way to honor these occasions than with homemade desserts, specifically cakes that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Whether you're a busy mom or someone who enjoys entertaining these few tips will impress your guests and dare I say even you. You can make a beautiful looking cake but if it's dry/ crumbly trust me your guests will be let down. Below are simple easy tips to not only make a beautiful looking cake but a delicious one as well for any and every celebration.

Preparation: Freeze Your Cakes

People are busy, we get it and if you enjoy entertaining you know it's nearly impossible to prepare appetizers, a 3-course meal, and dessert all in one day. So, preparation is the KEYWORD here.


  • Make your cake 1-2 weeks ahead of time.

  • Once they are room temperature, wrap them in cling wrap, twice and seal in foil.

  • 1-2 days before your event frost your cake with your preferred frosting - there are many to choose from.

Crumb Coat: A Thin Layer of Frosting

This may seem like an extra unnecessary step but if you are looking to impress this is essential. The crumb coat seals the crumbs down, so your cake has a clean look once you add your final frosted coat to the cake. The crumb coat also serves as a means to keep your cake moist (a double plus). Once you do a crumb coat it's safe to place the cake in the refrigerator vs the freezer until you are ready to decorate your cake.


  • Remove from freeze, allow cake to sit for 30 mins at room temperature.

  • Crumb coat your cake with a thin layer of your choice of frosting.

  • Return to the refrigerator until you are ready to fully decorate your cake, this can be down a day ahead of time.

Lopsided vs. Leveled: We Indulge First with Our Eyes

Have you ever been at wedding, birthday, or a friend's party and the cake is lopsided? While the cake I am sure tasted amazing, you may have even asked for the recipe, but you couldn't help by tilt your head in hopes of the cake looking less lopsided? There is a solution. The one tool every person who wants to advance their cake decorating skills should have in their arsenal: A Leveler! I know, you are questioning me right now, because what does a carpenter's tool have to do with cake decorating? The answer: Everything! I promise you this will be the game changer you have been looking for. It will allow you to determine where on your cake you need to add more or less frosting on not just the top of the cake but even on the sides of the cake, simply by holding it parallel to the sides or flat on the top of the cake. I recommend just getting a 7" leveler to start, it will make all the difference.


  • With the right tool you can develop your cake decorating skills.

  • Reach out to us if you have any questions or suggestions on what has helped you hone your decorating skills.

At Mozelle's Sweet Shoppe, we believe that every festival is an opportunity to savor life's sweet moments. With our personalized approach to baking, we ensure that each dessert reflects the unique essence of the occasion and leaves a lasting memory during festive seasons.

So, whether you're celebrating the holidays, special events, or gathering with friends, let Mozelle's Sweet Shoppe be your partner in creating memories one delectable dessert at a time.

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